Can't believe I haven't posted this yet since it was almost a month ago! This was such a great day! My mom, sister, and I took Ally and my niece Holly to the American Girl Place in Natick the weekend before Ally's birthday.
This place is great! We just walked around and checked everything out at much to look at:
Upstairs they have a salon for the dolls so Ally wanted to get one of her Bitty twins' hair done:
She really needed her hair done and they can work wonders!
After the salon, Auntie Kelly and Holly kept Ally occupied while I did a little birthday shopping
Then it was off to lunch at the Restaurant...Yum!
She became obsessed with brushing her doll's hair after watching them at the salon:
Then a special surprise dessert came and the whole cafe sang to her:
It was such a great of those days you look forward to when you find out you are having a little girl...I can't wait to go back next year!